Return to Work Coordinators Assist Employees to Get Back on the Job

Return to Work Coordinators Assist Employees to Get Back on the Job

In order to get employees back to work faster, Return to Work Programs are increasingly being implemented, which not only benefits the injured workers but also employers with savings on Workers Comp premiums, lower claims costs, reducing expenses for temporary replacements, etc.  Depending on the state, an employer may be required by law to have an accredited, skilled person whose role it is to assist employees on returning to work quickly and safely.

A good Return To Work Coordinator (RTWC) can save an employer a great deal of money in both direct and indirect costs, and make the life of an injured worker much easier. The cost of having a full-time RTWC makes it an unrealistic option for smaller companies, however, these employers may assign the RTWC role to someone in their organization as a part-time function.

A Return To Work Coordinator must know the legislation intimately, whom to contact and when, and when the big premium triggers arise in a claim in order to manage the claim around them. They should also know how insurers work and how to deal with doctors and other medical professionals. A good Return To Work Coordinator must know when to be tough and when to stay calm.

When a workplace injury occurs, the Return To Work Coordinator should respond quickly to ensure injured workers get back to work in a timely manner, safely, and able to perform their duties. By assessing the barriers to return to work and providing cost-effective solutions to overcome these, a company can increase productivity and decrease losses from the resulting claim.

Here is a list of the range of services a qualified Return To Work Coordinator should provide:

  • Premium management
  • Claims management
  • Return to Work Management – Same and New Employer
  • Doctor Case Conferencing
  • Initial Needs Assessment
  • Workplace Assessment
  • Ergonomic Assessment
  • Functional Capacity Assessment
  • Home Activities Capacity Assessment
  • Vocational/Skills Assessment
  • Vocational Counseling
  • Job Search Training & Support
  • Retraining Coordination

The value a company gets when hiring, or assigning the position of the Return To Work Coordinator should improve company and employee morale, and insure that productivity remains solvent, as well as providing security and stability to the injured party as they work to heal and get back into the work force.

Caitlin Morgan has been specializing in the placement of guaranteed cost workers’ compensation for many years. Whether your client is a minimum premium account or a tougher to place risk, Caitlin Morgan is here to help you meet your clients’ needs. Give us a call at 877.226.1027.